Users profile picture Jay

Starting Location

Edit 24.798278566799212, 121.41804198844031

Ending Location

Edit 24.78963,121.42952

Time needed


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Slippery rocks. The trails are relatively primitive, so you had better prepare headlamps and offline map apps.



Helmets and river tracing boots.

General information


1.!The GPS pin of White Veil Waterfall on Google Map is WRONG! The correct one is the one on our ending GPS. 2.Baisha Waterfall/White Veil Waterfall (白紗瀑布) is a serene and beautiful waterfall, standing at approximately 40 meters tall, with a large pool perfect for swimming. Above it, you can find Hewei Waterfall (赫威瀑布); to reach it, walk around on the left side. Further up, you can access the Hewei Divine Tree Area. 3.To embark on this river trace, it is safest to obtain the permit 5-60 days in advance from Chatianshan Nature Reserve (插天山保護區). The trailhead starts through a private farm residence called "Kapu No.17" (卡普17號). The parking fee at the residence should be around 100 NTD. Once you pay for your parking, the owner probably wouldn't bother to check if you have the permit. 4.To get to White Veil Waterfall, walk down the farm, and you'll reach a small stream soon. Cross the stream, and you'll find a hiking trail. The trail first goes around the mountainside, then stretches along the creek and eventually touches the creek. On the lateral part, the trail sometimes goes by the creek and sometimes merges in the creek. Finally, the trail completely disappears, and you can only river trace in the creek to the waterfall. 5.The creek is VERY SLIPPERY. Be extremely cautious while walking in the river. 6. Water Slide Location: 24.789783, 121.420900 Be very careful with this water slide. It is extremely slipper. Make sure to clear your path before you slide. I almost fucked myself up on a big sharp rock in the water but miraculously only got a scratch.


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