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Founder of Trace Taiwan. Most of the Traces you can find attached to my profile will be located fairly close to Taipei. Many of these can be completed in a single day if your willing to get up early.

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    22.753066, 120.754527
    Really beautiful canyon with a view of the mountains around it visible nearly the whole time. We went during the dry season and the first 20 minutes or more of the trace actually had no water. However, once we got further up there were nice pools and areas of flowing water. On top of this, the final waterfall was great and had some nice spots on the ...
    A photo of River Tracing A photo of River Tracing A photo of River Tracing A photo of River Tracing A photo of River Tracing A photo of River Tracing A photo of River Tracing
    Posted May 6, 2022
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    石門溪 / Shimen creek






    22.822660, 120.647702
    A perfect place to go river tracing. Tons of waterfalls and areas to practice climbing, and a near-endless supply of emerald blue pools perfect for swimming in. There are a fair number of people at the start point though we only saw one other group more than 300m up and no one after 500m or so. I should note that we went the morning after a big st ...
    A photo of River Tracing A photo of River Tracing A photo of River Tracing A photo of River Tracing A photo of River Tracing A photo of River Tracing A photo of River Tracing
    Posted Aug 23, 2021
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    半屏溪 / Bàn píng xī






    25.122280, 121.879145
    A short fairly easy river trace located within an hour of Taipei. The river and surrounding rocks contain tons of pretty colors. In the end, you will be rewarded with a beautiful waterfall sitting behind a perfect swimming pool. Great place for people without much experience to get a taste of river tracing. The first half of the trace is enjoyable t ...
    A photo of River Tracing A photo of River Tracing A photo of River Tracing A photo of River Tracing A photo of River Tracing A photo of River Tracing A photo of River Tracing
    Posted Jul 11, 2021
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